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This collection of poems explores the people and events that have shaped the opening chapters of my life: some events particular to my own experience and some relatable to us all, each piece condensed and made as approachable as I could. The poems range from tragic to humorous, calmly introspective to cathartic. There is wisdom contained in each poem included: lessons to be learned or observed from the people dissected and perspective to be gained from the experiences examined.
The reader has a choice to make: “shortest poems or longest poems first?” but can begin from either side. Halfway through there is a poem published sideways in the book, and the orientation of the book then flips for the reader. The rotation of the book represents the ups and downs we experience in life: either beginning the uphill journey to longer poems and more time and effort, or the downhill journey to shorter, faster poems to ingest. This change, the physical shift in perspective, how the reader must now progress through the pages backwards to stay in order of longest to shortest (or vice versa), is to represent the shift in perspective we all experience when we learn from one of our hard life lessons or are gifted precious wisdom, as presented in the center poem: the titular “The Long and Short of It.”
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